Training Day 37

The funniest sight I saw was earlier while we were in formation waiting for everyone to get out of the chow hall. The DI for Platoon 4001 comes running by after a male recruit, and we hear her go:

Gaeddert: Keep saying it!
Male: I'm all alone.
Gaeddert: All by myself!
Male: All by myself!
Gaeddert: All on my own!
Male: All on my own!

We're supposed to travel in pairs everywhere in the rare instances we're without DIs, but he was mustering hot trays (food for rifle watch) back to his squad bay alone. She just kept trotting right on after him. We were giggling and covering it up as coughs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its interesting the Marine names for common military things. My basic training included MIR (medical inspection room), PAT Platoon (personnel awaiting training) and we had sister platoons...which were female platoons which were in the same stage as training as we were. Unlike the Marines though, we were encouraged to "fraternize" with members of the opposite sex, but in very controlled spaces, like the Mess Hall or the Wet Mess. I seem to remember our platoon being pretty much CFB'd (confined to barracks...a punishment) the entire time, due to some idiot getting pissed out of shape in the Wet Mess and "disrespecting" a lass in our sister platoon. I remember the incident as being pretty mutual, and involved wrestling under the antique tank displayed in front of the Commandant's Office.
We even got a "liberty" at week seven where we could go into town and support the local restaurants, and get to wear our good uniforms someplace other than on the square. Our "ten miler" was on week nine, and our "range qual" was on week ten where we were expected to get hand sized groupings with three different weapons all while reciting the Range Orders en masse. Our passing out parade was at the end of week 11, where upon we would disperse to various combat or technical schools throughout Canada.