Sunday. Not a Training Day. The Day after TD 17.

Initial Drill and Game Day, where we compete for the series guidon (flag) with Platoon 4001, is only 2 days away. I hope we’re ready. We spent a while drilling this morning. A ditty is something you say aloud or in your head to remember your steps.

DI Sgt. Sagullo: Half step…
Recruits: Pause!
DI Sgt. Sagullo: March!
Recruits: 30-15! (and we start half-stepping)
DI: … Okay, what is my ditty?
Rct. Mulherron: 30-15.
DI: So you take a full 30-inch step, then kick out a 15-inch step. Half of you— I don’t even know what you’re doing. You should kick it out and then pick up a half-step. You prance, like a damn pony. Don’t make me change your ditty to "like a pony."

That would be the best ditty ever!

Then later we turn to square away time and Davey bangs on the DI hatch.

Davey: Good morning ladies! Excuse Recruit Davey, Drill Instructor Sgt. Sagullo ma'am!
DI Sgt. Sagullo: What, Davey?
Davey: Recruit Davey requests permission to know that if these recruits signed the church roster, do they still have to go?
DI: …. Yes.
Davey: Aye ma'am, good morning ma’am.
DI: Davey!
Davey: Aye ma'am!
DI: Are you telling me you're turning into a damn heathen now?

I don’t know why, but it was dead funny.

Religion is an expected thing. "Heathens" have to shut their "fat mouths" and so on to let the rest of us pray and do devotionals etc. properly. Catholics are the best because mass is long. It ends after square away time already ended, so when we get back, the house has already been field-day-ed (thoroughly cleaned) by the other religious recruits who get back sooner. Suckers!

Every Sunday we are weighed in. I'm at 133 lbs now – lost 10 lbs and I swear that I’m eating excessively.

It’s easy to screw things up for everyone. One recruit doesn't do her hair? Then all recruits take down and mess up their hair.

The days are going by fast. Miss you guys.

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