Monday, Training Day 30

Today was a lot of marksmanship classes and tomorrow we fire a few times. The DIs are super on our asses because we're around male platoons and because we have so much "down time" away from them with our PMIs. SDI (Senior DI) Sgt. Radetsky just gave us a loooooong speech about being professional around everyone. We're gonna be quarterdecked no matter what we do, though. When you're a recruit, even when you're right, you're wrong.

The PMI had us put a boot band and then moleskin on the bridge of our glasses to seat them higher so they are even dorkier than usual.

What else ...

Oh, I did pretty well on the PFT I ran Friday. Dunno if I already mentioned that. 24:43 on my 3 mile run; maxed out crunches at 103 / 2 minutes (you need 100, and I think you need 21:00 for the run, but I finished as one of the first so no one was even close to that). Also I lost my grip on the bar so I was 7 seconds short of maxing the arm hang at 63 seconds. Oh well!

One of our ex-recruits decided to be an idiot today and quit. She got NJPed, and the MPs came and arrested her after she said she'd kill herself, and she had a TOTAL attitude with the SDI. It was ridiculous. Who wastes a month and a half of her life in boot camp only to decide to give up like that? We have basically no sympathy for it. Frickin' Thompson. Rct. Shapiro did the same thing, but back on Forming Day 4 so she didn't waste everyone's time hanging around.

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