Training Day 14

Happy Birthday to me! Fifteen minutes after I turned 21 I woke up to start the day.

It was actually a really good day. The major event was the confidence course – a 3-hour obstacle course that involves entirely heights. And amazingly? I was confident! And I successfully completed all the obstacles we got to! Usually I'm terrified of heights but today I did, among other things:

Log climb: Three logs in succession, each set higher than the last, where you climbed on the first one (3 ft high), stood up, LEAPED to land 5 feet forward on your stomach on the 2nd (6 ft high) and did the same for the 3rd (9 ft high) then climbed up on it and dropped down.

Monkey Climb: You scramble up a telephone-pole-like thing that's about 20 feet high then, balancing on a single rope while holding onto another one that's above your head, you cross over a water obstacle. Then you slide down a rope to the ground.

Among others! It was very exciting that I DID it!

Little drill today. We had some classes and at supper I snuck an extra dessert as a birthday present to myself so I had pudding AND jello. I need to study and work out, all the time I can afford.

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