Morgan's Letter

Now here's a copy of the letter to Morgan describing what happened to the little knitted platypus Morgan sent her.

Dear Morgan:

I'm sending this letter to you through my mom who hopefully has your addy because I don't have time to tell this story twice.

So I get your package, right, and since we're not supposed to get anything but letters I get in the "I'll be putting my stuff in a bag with my name on it" formation during mail call. I open the package and there's the book and the platypus. I didn't really have time to think - I chucked the book under a desk and turned in the platypus. (I had to turn in something because they knew I got a package, but I wished later I'd done it the other way around). My DI sees what I have and of course takes the bag. I later go back and get the book but I'm wondering how I'm going to get my platypus back. There's NO WAY the DI's will let me have it but I like to maintain positive control of my belongings. Eventually I come up with a plan and when it's our senior drill instructor's duty night I act. I go up and bang on her hatch.

Me: *bang bang bang*
SDI: What?
Me: Good evening ladies! Excuse Recruit Oltman, Senior Drill Instructor Sgt. Renteria ma'am!
Me: Recruit Oltman requests permission to have her spirit animal for devotions ma'am!
SDI: Your spirit animal?
Me: Yes ma'am. This recruit was sent it in the mail for devos ma'am.
SDI: Stand by.

She's never seen anything like this before. She rummages around in the footlocker where confiscated things are kept and when she comes back she HURLS it to the deck and goes, "I don't even WANT to know" and slams the hatch.

So then it's devos and since I said it was a spirit animal, there I am with the platypus on my lap praying over it while everyone around me is cracking up.

Mission: A success. Operation Rescue Platypus (now named Corporal Perry) completed.

Oltman out, yo.

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